Most microbiologists found no microbes in my sample. How come you and your colleagues can find microbes that others don’t?

Category: Chronic Prostatitis, FAQ

There are three main factors that cause a difference in microbiological exams:

  1. Urologist: The urologist who is first examining the patient needs to be an expert in the field of Chronic Prostatitis because he needs to perform a very rigorous and very thorough prostatic pressure before the patient submits a sample. The goal of this pressure is to release as much prostatic fluid from as many obstructed prostatic ducts as possible. If the patient is never releasing the microbe in the first place, it is natural that no microbiologist will be ever able to find it (!). This is a very crucial difference between my approach and other doctors’.
  2. Microbiologist: The microbiologist who will perform the tests for the exams needs to be very experienced in the microbes that infect the urogenital system as they are meant to know that they need to create multiple different cultures in order to grow each potential microbe separately, at the right time and for as long as necessary. One crucial mistake that labs do is that they perform the cultures within 2-3 days, whereas they should  be doing them for 6 to 7 days (and sometimes even longer).
  3. Patient: The patient needs to be very well prepared. This means that the patient must not have taken any antibiotics for at least 20 days  before submitting a sample for testing in addition to no ejaculation for at least 3-4 days before submitting the aforementioned sample.

Overall, the urologist is 80% responsible for the successful discovery of the microbes. Personally, due to the fact that I have treated thousands of Chronic Prostatitis cases using prostatic pressures, I know exactly where to press in order to maximise the chances that I will release as many microbes as possible.

It is worth noting, that sometimes even a very rigorous pressure is not enough to show all the microbes from the beginning. We often discover a new microbe as we treat the deeper layers of the prostate (close to the urethra) mid or post-therapy.

πως θεραπεύεται η χρόνια προστατίτιδα; - georgiadis urology

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