Do you have any unsuccessful cases and why?

Category: Chronic Prostatitis, FAQ

Over the decades of my career I have developed a protocol with which I have achieved successful results with a success rate reaching 96%. The protocol consists of the following steps:

  1. It includes daily prostatic pressure therapies that happen twice per day, for 5-6 weeks along with oral antibiotics.
  2. After the third week and based on the microbes’ sensitivities, the protocol is then enhanced with IV treatment for 1-2 weeks.
  3. Finally, this first stage of treatment is completed with an intraprostatic injection consisting of a powerful mix of the most effective 4-5 antibiotics that the microbes are impossible to have any kind of resistance to.
  4. The above is the completion of the first stage. The goal of this first stage is to reach up to 80% improvement regarding all the objective (e.g. laboratory, ultrasounds etc.) and subjective (e.g. how the patient feels) symptoms.
  5. The patient is then asked to come again for a second stage after 1-2 months for us to check for leftover microbes and inflammatory areas. Depending on the results, the patients usually follow 3-4 weeks of the same protocol as mentioned above, including again the IV and the intraprostatic injection at the end.
  6. In about 20% of cases, the patient may have to come for a third time within 1-3 months later for an additional 3-4 weeks of prostatic pressures, again including IV and an intraprostatic injection.

With the aforementioned 3 stages more than 96% of my cases achieve a full cure without ever having the fear of relapse (assuming no brand new infections happen).

Naturally, there are cases of patients who do not follow the above schedule and thus have very high chances to remain untreated, and ultimately leave disappointed. From my records, the vast majority of those patients (who do not exceed 4% of my total patients) usually do not even complete the first stage of the treatment.

The profile of the patient who leaves prematurely is the following:
  • They do not follow the protocol properly. They choose not to do IV or intraprostatic injections (usually for financial reasons), and they expect me to be able to clean the microbes and the damage of many years within the same period of a few months just with prostatic pressures and oral antibiotics. Of course it is still treatable this way (as this was my original protocol), but it takes way longer.
  • They do not follow the prescribed lifestyle properly. During and after the treatments the patients are meant to follow a strict lifestyle that will enable the treatment to happen as effectively as possible and this lifestyle is given from the very beginning of the treatment. It is simple directions: no alcohol, no sugars, no spicy foods, no rough sitting – but sometimes they cannot discipline themselves and this makes my job harder. In addition, this lifestyle is meant to be followed all the way until the full completion of the treatment (i.e. including the rest periods).
  • A completely new microbe appears. This is what most patients blame me for. Here, two things happen:
    • The patients have been to the most expensive doctors in the world, and they tell them they find absolutely no microbes. Suddenly they come here and we find 2-3 at least. See the related FAQ for more information.
    • The patients come here, do the therapy, we find no microbes for the majority of the therapy, and at the end of the treatment we find a brand new microbe(!).
  • Of course it makes sense that the above will make people sceptical. However, the reason we find microbes when others fail is simply 1. I do a very rigorous and pinpointed pressure to the areas I know are infected to release as many microbes as possible before the exam (this is the major critical difference), and then on top I work with a microbiologist who doesn’t cut corners and has been specialised after so many years. 2. Now, as for microbes appearing halfway or towards the end of my treatment, the reason is that I am always treating the most recently infected areas (i.e. the periphery of the prostate), towards the most chronically infected areas (the urethra) and sometimes this releases a trapped microbe (as we soften up previously inaccessible areas) that we hadn’t seen before. But that doesn’t change the fact that the situation is tremendously better by that time already and it is a matter of time to clean up the latest microbe.
  • A microbe is too resistant. Most patients that come to me, come after they have been around the globe, have taken a ton of antibiotics, have been through a number of operations, have almost made their microbes into superbugs, their prostates are as hard as stone and they ask me to fix this all within a month. Naturally, there are quite a few cases that cannot be fully treated within 4-5 weeks. It is often the case the patient has to come back again after a month for a couple of weeks, and even a second time after that in order to fully clean the prostate. I am always clear about that, and it is better in general not to come at all, if they cannot at least complete a fair chunk of the therapy, because otherwise they will relapse quickly.
  • They are focused on a single symptom. So when a patient first comes to me, they usually have at least 7-8 symptoms (pelvic pain, erectile dysfuction, low libido, soft erections, premature ejaculation, urethral stricture, infections in the surrounding organs, urination problems, nerve strangulation, prostate hypertrophy etc.). During and after my protocol, we have typically treated say 6 out of the 7 symptoms, but what the patient may consider a major symptom might remain (only for some patients). For example, let’s say erectile dysfunction remains as the erectile tissue (cavernosal tissue), due to its dysfunction for a prolonged time, has developed a non-trivial cavernosal fibrosis. This means that the tissue has lost its main function (i.e. the elasticity and the expansive capability that enable the penis to become rigid and thus sustain a rigid erection). For those cases, I need additional treatments (with specialised equipment) along with treating Chronic Prostatitis but of course this means more time and additional financial costs. The vast majority of the patients stay until all the symptoms are treated, but some leave prematurely with their comment being that they haven’t seen much improvement on a single symptom (and completely ignoring all other improvement, subjective or objective). They choose to ignore the fact that their prostates reduce substantially in size, they ignore the fact that they feel no pelvic pain anymore (as they gradually forget it completely too), or that they do not need to go to the toilet as frequently anymore, or that the prostate is softened up and the microbes are cleaned up and so on.

At the beginning of the therapy as it is still unclear whether Chronic Prostatitis is the sole reason of a specific symptom (e.g.  erectile dysfunction). It could very well be the case that unblocking the nerves by treating CP may be enough OR it could very well be that we need the additional therapies as explained above. These are costs that cannot be predicted before the treatment – they can only be estimated and measured mid-therapy as the prostate is getting better and based on patient feedback.

In general patients patients who typically need to come a second and a third time usually have two main complications: a) erectile dysfunction and b) periurethral fibrotic inflammatory stenosis and often both at the same time. Neither of these can be predicted in advance and as such some patients tend to leave due to the additional costs necessary to treat these complications.

To conclude, patients who fully follow the protocol leave fully cured without relapse.

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