Can I perform the prostatic pressure myself?
The definitive answer is No and for many of reasons. Not only would that be dangerous, it would be meaningless too.
Self-Treatment with equipment: Patients who try to perform the pressures by themselves either typically using their partners, their own fingers or “specialised” equipment found on the Internet, assuming they perform everything perfectly, can at best achieve a temporary relief of some symptoms which is actually nothing more than a minor reduction of the inflammatory oedema in the most superficial areas of prostate. This creates the illusion that they are doing something “curative”. However, the case is that the disease is still developing in the inner areas of the prostate (i.e. the areas from the periphery towards the urethra) which remain untouchable, and thus the microbes form strangulations of the nerves & vessels and blockages in the prostatic glandular ducts. The inescapable continuation of the aforementioned effect is the creation of the most advanced and persistent complications along with the most prominent symptoms.