Interstitial & Chronic Cystitis – Testimonials

Interstitial & Chronic Cystitis Testimonials

Ellen K. (2024)

Not all heroes wear capes. Some wear lab coats.
I have long believed that the most important virtue of a hero is courage. The ancient
stoics theorized that courage involves standing up for whats right even when it’s
unpopular. My urologist Dr Pavlos Georgiadis (Dr G), in Athens Greece who cured me
of lifelong Interstitial Cystitis(IC) is that hero.
Dr Georgiadis ignored the outdated theories of how to detect and treat IC. Instead
despite the nay sayers he developed and pioneered his own system of identifying and
treating what is termed IC. Through his work he has succesfully treated 100’s of women
from around the world for cystitis. And because of Dr G and his brilliant and brave IC
protocol I am now symptom free.
With lifelong IC symptoms (I am 63),the horrible symptoms were the norm for me. Born
with bladder refluxing that resulted in years of bladder and kidney infections I was a
perfect candidate for IC. I lived with constant burning and a non stop urgency to pee. If I
was not near a bathroom I was in trouble. I could not even drink a cup of tea or a glass
of wine without a horrible burning sensation. Chocolate, sex, caffiene, and fruits. The
list goes on of what caused pain and discomfort.
Through a true miracle I found Dr Georgiadis during a trip to Athens Greece. My IC had
gotten to the point that nothing worked. I barely slept as I had to pee so many times per
night. I happened to call the doctors office while in Athens during a horrible “flare” and lo and behold
he answered. He explained he did not treat IC in the conventional way with bladder cocktails and
medications that simply treat the symptoms. Instead he approaches IC (in laymen’s teams) as I detail
Firstly he identifies the cause of the IC as an underlying microbial infection often only
detected through testing by DNA sequencing. Most often the detected microbes, as in
my case are staph and strep bacteria. These bacteria are often referred to as stealth (yes
bacteria with the strength of a stealth fighter jet) are extremely aggressive bacteria
usually not even tested for in standard UTI testing. Dr G uses a lab in Athens Greece. In
the USA Microgen dx has the comprehensive Women’s key test kit.
And by the way to all the doctors who do not “believe” in the science of DNA
sequencing testing all I can say is “get a horse” (as one cowboy said to another when he
first saw an automobile). And to the doctors who discount this type of testing because
bladders are “not sterile anyway”, I say run as fast as you can from that doctor. Skin is
not sterile either but if you present with symptoms of infection and test for or show
symptoms of staph you treat it, period.
By using a combination of oral antibiotics, direct antibiotic bladder instillations through
a catheder and IV antibiotics Dr G fights a noble battle against these bacteria. He
combines these medications with probiotics, colostrum and a strict diet during treatment.
It’s important to understand that some women can feel worse during the treatment. This
can be described as a herximer effect and most often means the treatment is working.

It should also be noted that the intensity of his treatment varies greatly between women.
This is dependent on the microbes found, whether the infection has invaded the bladder
tissue (sometimes invading the vaginal wall as well) and how long the infection has been

It should be noted Dr G also identifies and treats prostatitis based on the same theories
described below potentially saving and changing for the better the lives of many men as
prostatitis can also lead to potentially deadly prostate cancer.

I believe it was my destiny to find the cure for this horrible condition and to help others.
My story is not about dwelling on my symptoms. My story is not about being a “victim”
of this condition. It’s about being victorious and conquering IC.


Older Testimonials


My first contact with chronic cystitis was about 2 years ago in the office of mr. Georgiadis . Having been diagnosed with chlamydia through vaginal fluid cultivation, in terms of a first control after a short period of trying to get pregnant without success, a friend of us urged us to do a standard test to make sure that everything was normal.
The existence of the microbe that caused the inflammation of chronic cystitis and vaginitis, as we were informed with my husband by Mr. Georgiadis, besides being an inhibiting factor for a successful pregnancy, is also a source of problems for the female and male body, especially in the urogenital region. During a visit to the clinic for the treatment that my husband followed, while discussing with mr.’s Georgiadis assistant, I realized that the numerous visits in the toilet on a daily basis were not normal, so I planned an appointment with him in order to clarify the situation. Thus, using the cystoscopy method, the doctor diagnosed, and explained to me that an inflammation had been created in my bladder, causing irritation, constant sense of urination urgency and in my case vaginal dryness and pain during the intercourse because of its location. I felt strange hearing all this, as we were talking about symptoms I had perceived myself and reported occasionally to my gynecologist, who kept on reassuring me by saying that it may be fungi or an effect of the contraceptive pills that I had previously taken, and despite all treatments I was given at times they kept on persisting. After all these i stopped paying attention since I felt crazy and that I see ghosts where they do not exist. And there was a doctor finally found, telling me I was right and that there was a problem, a problem caused by a microbe that somebody else did not bother looking about. So we begun our treatment with mr. Georgiadis, by taking oral antibiotics, combined with intravesical injections of medicines for a more effective treatment of the inflammation and intravaginal ointments for the confrontation of the microbe in the vaginal region in the most effective manner. There were many people telling me that what i was doing was exaggerating and that I did not need such a treatment, but in periods of three months, through the tests we did to examine the present condition the progress was evident, not only the inflammation was decreasing but also the microbe was not any longer detected in the repetitive crops that took place. And finally came the time when we succeeded, the inflammation had decreased, the rate of my urination had been normalized in 3-4 times a day instead of 10-12 that used to be in the past regardless of the amount of liquids I used to consume, the discomfort I felt in the kidneys, that I once thought were caused by aches on my back, had ceased to exist, and that I no longer had vaginal discomfort during the intercourse. I definitely had a hard time, and a lot of suffering, physically but mostly psychologically, but the doctor with his behaviour, sometimes more severe but always explanatory and understanding had made a miracle, and now I am healthy and ready to try to have a baby.

We thank from the bottom of our hearts the doctor urologist mr. Georgiadis for his vital contribution in our effort.


My name is M. P. and I was born in Kalymnos, where I live except for a period of 15 years when I lived in New York as an immigrant. I got married in the age of 20 and had my first child when I was 22. After some time I started having discomfort and suffering from difficulty in urinating caused by pain, smarting and repeated urinary tract infections. Each time I went to the local doctors I was having urine crops and was prerscribed antibiotics. Sometimes there were microbes found in the urine crops, but most of the times they turned out to be negative. The symptoms used to recede for a while and reappear about a year or a year and a half later. As soon as i got pregnant most of the symptoms receded so I thought everything was fine and that I was healthy. But right after a 3-4 months’ period from the childbirth the urinary tract infections kept on reappearing and I used to follow the usual medications. The same symptoms appeared when I was living in America as well. There was a gynecologist recommended to me that I visited, who suggested various antibiotics that made the symptoms recede for some periods of time, but I never felt I was completely healthy. I had started to feel like I had some other discomfort in my back and the rest of my body, something like a burning sensation, or some other times like my joints were in pain. I later visited more doctors, but they couldn’t help me more, except for prescribing me more medications and advising me to not be anxious and have patience. Coming back to Greece in 1991 my health condition kept on getting worse. I had to visit the hospital of Rhodes since there was no urologist in Kalymnos, where I stayed for 4 days, while I had pyelographies and other examinations made. The diagnosis was that I suffered from severe urinary tract infection and I was prescribed to Septrin for six months. By doing this, I 1-2 years passed without having severe symptoms. After that period my suffering returned again with intense frequent urination, stinging – burning sensations, and pain. In 1998 I could not take it anymore, so I went to the hospital of Rhodes.. The same examines took place, the same diagnosis, the same medications. After a few years I was forced to go to Athens, to Evangelismos hospital. I was hospitalized in the Urology Clinic for 5 days and was treated with medications. I continued the medication with Ciproxin for 10 days and I was advised to drink a lot of water. 2-3 years later I could not stand the pain any more and I had to go to Athens again, this time in the Medical Center to a good doctor I was suggested to. After a complete test I was prescribed a treatment with urobaxin for three months, to stop it for a month and then to resume the medication for another three months, and then to take a Furolin every night for six months. Sometime after about 10 months, when the pain and the intense frequent urination did not seem to show any improvement, I contacted the doctor to tell him that my condition not only did not improve at all but that it also was becoming more and more difficult. The answer i took was that he could not do something else as a treatment, that it was not something as severe as a cancer and that I should learn to live with it. After that i couldn’t help but feeling desperate, I tried to use whatever I heard from others that could help my problem, but I had no result. 2-3 years passed with no improvement of my health so one day unbearable pain led me to the hospital of Kalymnos where after expressing my complaints, I had examinations made and the gynecologist told me that he could see a small fall of he uterus which affects my bladder, causing all my problems. He suggested that I should have a surgical operation, which took place after 5 days in the hospital. For a period of some months I felt slightly better and I thought that finally my medical condition that had troubled me for so many years had been solved, but unfortunately the symptoms came back more intense and even more excruciating than before. I heard that in the island of Kos were urologists and I was suggested to go there. A doctor examined me and told me to take a medication with taking Lidaprim for 3 days morning-evening in the beginning, and later taking a pill every evening for 3 months. After doing what I was suggested without result I couldn’t bear my condition any longer, so I sat in my balcony crying from the pain and frustration. A woman from Kos saw me and she told me she visited for sometime an urologist in Athens because she had the same symptoms that I had, and that after she had followed some special medications she was cured, so she recommended Mr. P. Georgiadis to me. I immediately called to arrange an appointment. When the doctor saw me, he took my medical history and discussed with me, and then was when I started realising how and when my discomfort first took place, without back then realising that something was wrong. That even before the symptoms begun to become very annoying and persistent, I was beginning to have some small discomfort, but because I was not aware, I did not pay much attention. I had started to urinate slightly more frequently i.e. instead of 3-4 times a day I used to urinate 5-7 times a day, as also I had some small burning sensations or having the feeling of being more heated while urinating, as well as a little pain during the intercourse. In the next years, of course, the discomfort became more and more frequent and persistent, ending up being unbearable (almost constant and intense pain low in the bladder and urination almost every 15’-20’). The truth is of course that the urine tests where I occasionally had ie. crops did not show any microbe, so the gynecologists and the urologists who I had visited occasionally, possibly based their diagnosis on tests which did not show anything, telling me that there is nothing special or that I have anxiety or mental stress. Of course as I later realized they were not specialized in this disease, because the tests I did with Mr. Georgiadis (Ultrasound, cystoscopy and special urine crops and vaginal fluid crops), had not been until then as they should be, nor the treatment resembled the right one. There were microbes found in the vagina and the urine, and in the cystoscopy there were many lesions found, as he explained, membranes in the bladder’s triangle and small cystic lesions. The bladder’s ultrasound showed that the urine I could hold until I was forced to urinate did not surpass the 50gr. The doctor explained to me that because the vagina and the bladder are adjacent organs that are in direct contact, the germs can easily move from one organ to another causing chronic infections which if not diagnosed correctly, the treatments have no effect and naturally the inflammation gradually becomes even worse. As you can understand the doctor accepted the fact of the severity of my illness, said I had come through a lot of suffering because of the desperate situation I was, but that with God’s help and my persistence, he believed he could cure me, but we needed enough time with intense treatment which would include frequent intravesical injections of specific drugs and proper medication I should have for a rather big period of time and show great perseverance and patience for as long as necessary. It’s been about 2 years since we starteda match so far victorious for me. I saw better times in my life and slowly the pain began to heal. Although I had come to a point that I had to urinate every quarter to half an hour, to think that at any time I wouldn’t be able to keep my self from urinating like having incontinence followed by terrible pain before and during the urination, and also pain in the lower abdomen that after urination stopped for a while and started again after a while, pain during the intercourse that I sometimes could not stand, I am now urinating about 4-5 times a day and even when I feel the need to urinate I can hold my urine for a long time, without a lot of effort, without the feeling that I will not be able to hold it and urinate at any time and without having pain. The quality of my life has changed radically for the better and I can finally think what I have to do, without looking for the toilet to urinate at any moment and the intercourse is now pain free. Regarding the tests, the urine and vagina crops do not show the existence of any microbe, the pyosfairia have become minimal and the cystoscopy shows that the lesions have been fixed. I want to thank Mr. Georgiadis and express my gratitude for all the effort he has made and still makes for me. My visits now to the doctor have been reduced to one every three months and I keep on taking my meditations until I am completely healed. I feel good and relieved.


Looking back at my problem and trying to find how and when it started, I discovered that the symptoms started when I was 20 years (currently 34), ie. 14 years ago
• common fungal infections
• 3 times year urinary tract infections
• dysmenorrhea
• severe premenstrual syndrome.
But what made me worry the most was that since February 2012 I felt severe pain in the abdomen during the intercourse, both before and after the menstruation. At the same time my husband complained about feeling pain in the perineum, the adductors, waist and abdomen and had intense frequent urination. We visited many urologists who said to my husband that he had chronic prostatitis and prescribed him quinolones, that covered the symptoms for as long as he took the antibiotics and a few days later there was a recurrence of symptoms. As for me and my frequent urinary tract infections, they didn’t even concern about them. Οι απαντήσεις τους ήταν πολύ νερό και καλό πλύσιμο της ευαίσθητης περιοχής. Their answers were that I should drink a lot of water and thoroughly clean my sensitive area. The gynecologists, all that suggested was treatment for fungi and recheck in 1 year, when of course the fungi were more and more. As for the dysmenorrhea and the severe premenstrual syndrome, was the administration of potent anti-inflammatory drugs, avoidance of bath while waiting for the menstruation (you can laugh fearlessly on that one, which I OF COURSE refrained from applying) and no anxiety. As time passed both my and my husband’s symptoms kept getting more intense. But unfortunately we couldn’t find any answers anywhere. We went to a lot of doctors but we always left their office with more unanswered questions than we had when we got there. We were a step before going to a psychiatrist. Our psychology had reached the bottom. Because if you’re not good at your health, you’re nowhere. So we started searching … and as if DEUS ex machina, the answer appeared before us, almost with the first click “DEFINITE TREATMENT OF CHRONIC PROSTATITIS. PAVLOS GEORGIADIS”.. In October 2012 we visited him, my husband explained to him what he felt and then he began asking me and what I felt. Mr. Georgiadis then proceeded by examining, clinically and sonographically the urogenital system, informed me that there was an inflammation problem and that we should fully evaluate the urogenital ie. the bladder, the vagina and the uterus, because germs easily move from one organ to another, and usually inflammations caused are chronic and they do not cause intense discomfort, which makes them pretty hard both their treatment as well as their discovery. The truth was that was I got puzzled (because as I said I had visited a large number of urologists and gynecologists without coming to any conclusion until then), but at the same time I began to realize that I should go ahead with the organized checks as suggested by the doctor in order to arrive at a result and finally arranged an appointment with the microbiologist ms.ANTONOPOULOU. From our very first visit to the doctor Mr. Georgiadis, the truth is that we had solved 50% of our questions. My husband immediately began the treatment and I went to my scheduled appointment with ms. ANTONOPOULOU where I had vaginal fluid crops. The answer was CHLAMYDIA with pyosfairia 30-40 k.o.p. I finally realised that we had something figured out because we were in the dark until then. I immediately started taking antibiotics for about 1 month and after two months a retest of the vaginal fluid’s crops took place, where we found that the chlamydia persisted, but the pyosfairia had increased a lot. The directness of mr.GEORGIADIS was disarming. I had an ultrasound of the lower abdomen and a pelvic examination (yes indeed by an urologist). The conclusion was that I had to do a cystoscopy because the chlamydia had created a problem in the cystic triangle, hence the intense pain during the intercourse. I had a total of 6 (six) cystoscopies in combination with taking oral medication. After the first 3 cystoscopies, I had a vaginal fluid crops again, with a clear improvement of the symptoms and the microbiological results, but the persistence of chlamydia continued. We decided to start intravaginal cures injections too (3 times/ month for 3 monthly cycles), in combination with the oral medication. After the first 3, the symptoms had all subsided except of the dysmenorrhea and the premenstrual syndrome. The test of the vaginal fluid’s crops that I repeated, were much better with negative chlamydia and the pyosfairia reduced to 4-6 k.o.p. There were 3 more intravaginal therapies followed. Once I completed this cycle of treatments too, I had a new vaginal fluid crops. The result was rather dissapointing. The chlamydia were still negative, ,but the pyosfairia were increased. The disappointment was great not only to my family but also to Mr. GEORGIADIS (which is now family). Our doctor said that the most likely reason for this result was the infection of the endometrium from chlamydia too, where despite the medication, a small number of microbes had managed to survive. Next immediate move was to have a tissue period crops. There they were found indeed weakly positive chlamydia and pyosfairia 8-10 k.o.p. Mr. GEORGIADIS’ answer to these results was that our germ “had gotten away” and took an upward trend, but reassured me it was in the beginning and it would be controlled by using more drastic measures. What were they? intravenous antibiotics, (from 1st to 5th day of period) with intravaginal injections (1 cycle of 3 consecutive times each month, especially the last 3 days of the period) and intravesical injections (once per month). We had 4 cycles of therapy and tissue period done again.. chlamydia negative pyosfairia 2-3 k.o.p and crops of vaginal fluid with negative chlamydia and pyosfairia 2-3 k.o.p but several fungi, consequence of the recent treatments, although the antifungal was taken throughout them. In the present I only am treated for fungi, and being free from ALL the problems, without having the slightest discomfort. 2 Years later I have to say that things had not been easy.. We hit the bottom many times with my husband.. but it NEVER crossed our minds to give up, because we knew that taking such a decision would be bad for us.. we had one another (very important) and we both had Mr. GEORGIADIS.. THANK YOU A LOT!!!!


My adventure started back in 2004 with the first urinary tract infection. It had the common symptopms, smarts at the end of the urination with a little blood, ache in the right kidney and fever from 37 to 39.9. At the public hospital I was prescribed AUGMENTIN 500gr which I took for a month and a half. The symptoms receded and the doctor’s advice since I had no microbe found, was to drink a lot of water and try not to hold my urine. In the next relapse with smarting after a year, I took again AUGMENTIN 500gr. The situation was slightly improved from the moment I started drinking water like crazy!!!! After the intercourse with my husband I had burning sensation and sometimes frequent urination that I thought was because of the big amount of water. In 2009 we started trying to have a child but with no success. In 2010 I had the next big relapse with blood in the urination and intense pain in the bladder. I was hospitalized in a private clinic with intravenous antibiotics and a stay of five days. I ALSO got AYGMENTIN 1000gr for two weeks. The discomfort reappeared after 2 months with negative crops and ultrasounds that showed sand in the kidney, and had the classic advice for drinking a lot of bottled water low in sodium. At the same time we were looking for the issue of having a child with my own and my husband’s man urethral swab microbiological tests, until semen crops finally showed chlamydia.I had with my turn tissue period crops in a large private obstetric clinic with negative results. From showing the tests to two gynecologists we got answers that clearly revealed their ignorance by the first suggesting antibiotics for 15 days and the other saying that he did not trust that sperm culture center and that there should have been also done an antibiogram for this specific microbe. We had antibiotics taken again and we kept on trying on having a baby. In a center of assisted conception they told us that from the moment I did not have the microbe but only my husband, there was no reason for the delay and that we should try with the method of insemination since the sperm would be cleaned. OUR EFFORT was of course a failure !!!!!! After a lot of visits to a lot of professor urologists without unfortunately the slightest result, we sought our luck in the INTERNET. In 2012 we came to the Urologist mr. GEORGADIS who had a complete evaluation of us, clinically diagnosed our problem and we were sent to mrs. ANTONOPOULOU to have all the examinations necessary under special conditions of reception for each of us. The results showed chlamydia to both of us. There was a special test of my bladder with cystoscopy, when the Doctor reported that I had chronic membranous trigonitis- cystitis and started a specialized treatment with intravesical injections while taking oral antibiotics. After the first week the symptoms disappeared as well the nocturia (urination during the night). After about 2 years of treatment, I was completely free from chlamydia, while the deterioration in my bladder had significantly decreased, remaining only to a minimal percentage. The tolerability of this small persistent lesion led us to a small operation of electrocautery of the injury. Finally there were 3 injections with simultaneous oral medication for precautionary reasons. I would like to thank from the bottom of my heart, Mister Pavlos Georgiadis who saved us from this scourge of chlamydia and stood as a human and as a father to us in the difficult moments !!!!!! Also from the perspective of the woman who is waiting to be a mommy, I urge you to have patience and perseverance during the treatment !!!!!!! Don’t be intimidated for any reason!!!!! The doctor is an expert and a therapist not only for urogenital infections of men such as chronic prostatitis (from this infection he also healed my husband), but as we saw both to me personally and to many other women who frequented the clinic his is the expert in infections of both the urinary and genital system in women and he faces everything organized and overall because from what we both learnt, microbes are being carried by the bladder in the vagina but also the other way from the vagina to the bladder and even the endometrium is often contaminated.
G. T.

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