Chronic Prostatitis – Testimonials

  • 1.5 years ago I came down with acute systemic symptoms of a urinary tract infection: burning urethra, throbbing pelvic pain, chronic migraine, intense fatigue and muscle aches. Notably, this was several days after unprotected sex with my girlfriend, who simultaneously came down with roughly the same symptoms, though vaginally also. We concluded immediately that the problem was microbial. My symptoms subsided, only to increasingly relapse over the following weeks. Countless appointments to my GP and urologists failed to yield a clear diagnosis. Not only this, but each doctor without exception bafflingly dismissed a microbial cause. This continued for 5 months until one urologist felt my swollen prostate and diagnosed a “classic” prostate infection, prescribing an oral antibiotic for several weeks. In one week, the antibiotic nearly eradicated symptoms, which usefully confirmed for me a bacterial etiology. After finishing the course, however, symptoms started to come back, with troubling new difficulties and pain urinating. When the urologist claimed this was just residual pain from the infection, which may go away in time, I wouldn’t accept this. I was 30 years old, in impeccable health before this had started, and not prepared to live indefinitely in chronic sickness. So I looked elsewhere, meanwhile becoming deeply and broadly acquainted with the scientific literature on my condition. Another fruitless appointment with a different urologist in New York confirmed for me that the American urological community is, by and large, unequipped to deal with prostate disease. The explanation for this is quite complex: an outdated, unreliable testing procedure for diagnosing prostatic infection; the invention of (non-)diagnoses of exclusion for merely collections of symptoms or complications, “chronic pelvic pain syndrome” and “non-bacterial prostatitis,” which masquerade as real etiological diagnoses; medical industry prioritization of more profitable though debilitating prostate cancer treatment (surgery); the list goes on.

    As most patients do, I found Dr. Georgiadis online. After a few kind and very informative email exchanges, I concluded that this man was my best and perhaps only shot at confronting the problem. I booked a flight to Athens and did 6 weeks at the clinic. For some men, this is enough; others need not much more, and some need a lot more. I’ve needed a lot more—about 6 months—mainly due to what appears to be strong bacterial resistance but also the entrenched location of the bacterial colonies around the urethra. Contrary to what is often espoused, the problem is no great mystery: the microbes caused inflammation which strangulated both my vessels (blocking antibiotic delivery) and my nerves (manifesting as pain). I’ve done the daily pressures, oral and IV antibiotics (tailored to the Enterococcus, Staphylococcus, and Klebsiella we cultured positive here), and three injections. Dr. Georgiadis has monitored me closely every step of the way. He is a rational, experienced, deliberate man who treats this condition with the seriousness and care it requires.

    One crucial thing to keep in mind: Dr. Georgiadis approaches genitourinary infection not just as a clinician but also as an empirical scientist. The most valuable component of his treatment is not the antibiotics or prostatic pressures, which are both essential no doubt. Rather, it is his empirically informed knowledge of how to respond to each specific problem at hand, whether urethral stenosis, bacterial resistance, tissue damage, etc. I can’t count the number of times he has adapted my treatment to the unique etiological factors at play in my case.

    The treatment has been the hardest thing I have ever done. But I’ve been rewarded with massive objective and subjective improvement. Objective results are nearly stabilized, my symptoms are nearly gone, and I expect to be 100% cured soon. I shall write back again after I’m finished, with more details about Dr. Georgiadis’s treatment protocol and its contrasts with current American urological practice.

    Kev. B. from USA | 2019
  • Hey everyone, my name is George and I am 65 years old – I live between Germany, Greece and China and I wanted to take the chance to share my experience too. I am an old patient of dr. Georgiadis (he cured me 9 years ago) and since then I visit him every year for an annual check up. Before finding Dr. Georgiadis, I had visited many doctors in Germany and China and had tried different methods but with little or no long term result. My main problems were something like pelvic pain, which was vague in in the lower belly and some pain in the spine and overall fatigue in the body for a long time. But after a while I started having erectile issues too and this is when I started looking for a solution. The doctors I had visited were looking to find the root issue in my hormones or in my penile vessels – most of them told me it was psychogenic issues. Many of them gave me antibiotics and erection pills (like Viagra) but after a while all these made my symptoms a lot worse and eventually stopped giving me any kind of improvement. To my luck, my uncle used to go to Dr. Georgiadis for therapy and he told me that he had seen big improvement and so he proposed me to visit the doctor. When I visited him he performed tests that other docs had not performed before and much to my surprise I was for the first time informed that the root factor are the microbes in the prostate and not my brain! It turns out I have had Chronic Prostatitis for quite a few years before visiting him along with 4 microbes that I found after the microbiological tests!!! I went for a total of 6 months of therapy that consisted of a period of daily very strong prostatic massage therapies along with antibiotic pills for about two months, and then visits of 2-3 weeks continuous for the remaining 4 months, and toward the end of every stage I was taking antibiotics using IV along with injections in the prostate. Already after even the first two months I had seen great improvement to my sexual function. The doc added some additional therapies for my erections to make them more rigid and longer lasting. Until this day, so many years later, I am fully healthy and free of symptoms and I feel truly grateful to Dr. Georgiadis and I keep and will keep visiting him at least once a year for my checkup. He gave me my vitality back. Thank you for everything!

    George Dendr. from Germany | 2019
  • My problems started in 2003, out of the blue, after swimming in the sea and then cycling back home in wet swimming trunks. For 5 years I suffered from pain in the left testicle which radiated to the prostate. It was excruciating and prevented me from leading a normal life. I visited various urologists in different countries who could not find the real cause of my suffering but nevertheless diagnosed CP. The laboratory results were confusing. At intermittent intervals ureaplasma, ecolis and other bacteria were identified, at times I was told that I had nothing and it was only a psychological issue.

    It is only after I visited Dr Georgiadis that a proper diagnosis was carried out. The lab in Athens found chlamydia and enterococci. Dr Georgiadis explained that chlamydia (which was never identified before) appear frequently in combination with ureaplasma. Even when one of them is eliminated the other can stay on, especially with men due to their prostate structure. Dr Georgiadis performed a great job in gradually eliminating these infections. His approach is unique in the following way: 1. detection of all microorganism that cause the inflammation thanks to strong initial prostate pressure and close cooperation with a reliable lab which grows cultures for an extended period of time, 2. targeted follow-up pressure sessions to open the prostate channels and releasing even the most hidden and stubborn bacteria, 3. combined microbe elimination therapy (pressure sessions, intravenous antibiotics in a near-by clinic, focused intraprostatic injection under short anaesthesia with high-concentration antibiotics cocktail customized for each case). Thanks to Dr Georgiadis I am now painfree. I can warmly recommend him due to his professionalism, helpfulness, and problem-solving capacity.

    Paul from Germany | 2019
  • Hi.
    I am Spanish, I am 40 years old and I want to share my experiences with chronic prostatitis.

    It all started in 2011 when I had an acute prostate infection with the following symptoms: frequent urination, burning when urinating, pain when ejaculating, burning in the perineum etc …
    I went to visit a urologist and despite a negative test the doctor prescribed me an antibiotic treatment that I followed for two months.
    Very slowly the symptoms were subsiding and although I never felt completely recovered, everything returned more or less to normal, although I continued to urinate more often than normal. The other symptoms had disappeared.
    I kept doing periodic reviews every year and everything was almost normal until 2016that the symptoms reappeared more intense and persistent than before.
    I thought that I had solved the problem but instead the problem had been hidden for four years.

    I go back to the urologist and start again with the same story, negative sperm test but again antibiotic treatment this time for a month.
    I thought it would be like the first time before or after the symptoms would disappear but this time it was not so. Then I started a journey from one urologist to another in Spain, Italy … so up to 8 different specialists all with the same procedure negative culture sperm- and antibiotics treatment. The symptoms did not disappear and also I was more depressed.
    After I look for other ways to solve the problem with acupuncture, macrobiotic diet, chinese medicine, food supplements etc … although I noticed some improvement the problem persisted intensely.

    So is then that I realized that it did not make sense to continue doing what I had been doing so I started to investigate and luckily I found this interview on YouTube…

    Georgiadis Urology – Chronic Prostatitis (English Subtitles)

    …and it is only then that I started to understand what happened to me after 7 years and 8 different urologists. I was willing to do whatever was in my power to solve the problem so I came to Athens to know to Dr Georgiadis and his method to cure chronic prostatitis.

    Now I know that 99% of the prostatitis are bacterial and that all the sperm tests that I did previously were negative because they only analyzed the sperm not the postatic liquid that is in the prostate that is where the infection is.

    Only in the clinic of Dr. Georgiadis through a prostatic massage and the obtaining of liquid and a precise laboratory analysis I discovered that I had 4 different bacteria in my prostate and the antibiotics to which they are sensitive.

    During these 7 years those bacteria were silently damaging the tissues with the result that my urethra was gradually narrowing, which made urination weaker and also prevented me from completely emptying the bladder.
    Before coming to the clinic of Dr Georgiadis I did not know but these bacteria were beginning to damage the nerves and tissues of the penis that would have caused sexual dysfunction in the future.
    It is a slow but unstoppable process if the appropriate measures are not taken.

    This test, together with ultrasound and fluriometry test gave a clear diagnosis about my problem and its solution.
    I started the treatment which continued for 6 weeks, that consists in completely rehabilitating the urogenital , through prostatic pressure massages in order to restore the blood flow in the prostate, to make the immune system have again access to this organ that has remained isolated for so long, as well as, to do penetrate the antibiotics to which these bacteria are sensitive in order to end once and for all with the infection.

    After completing those 6 weeks doing all the tests again, two of the four bacteria have disappeared, the size of my prostate has decreased considerably as well as the symptoms (frequent urination, burning in the perineum, Inflammation of the prostate,improvement of sexual power etc …) in short, I find myself much better.
    Atually I am doing the second part of the treatment to definitively solve the problem.
    I feel that finally my body is healing.

    During the time that I have been in the clinic and met many greeks and people from all over the world who have been cured coming here.

    Why does it work?

    For the complete knowledge of the disease and total dedication of Dr Georgiadis as well as an accurate diagnosis and subsequent personal treatment for each patient.

    I have not met any doctor with the knowledge, tools and warm personality of Dr Georgiadis to whom I am deeply grateful for having returned my smile.
    Thank you very much.

    Oscar from Spain | 2018

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