What foods are good for your prostate?

Category: Chronic Prostatitis, FAQ
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Foods to prefer and avoid for Chronic Prostatitis

It is common knowledge that prostatitis is a difficult disease to cure. Patients may take hundreds of antibiotics, try multiple different exercises and even fall into the trap of thinking it is a psychological issue – but all in vain. At some point, patients will see things like “broccoli soup is good for the prostate” or “tomatoes may reduce chances of prostate cancer”.

But before you start binging on green tea to reduce the size of your prostate, you should be aware that prostatitis can only be radically cured through a specialized treatment protocol that aims to fully eradicate the root, which is the microbes.

Does that mean that there is no correlation between food and prostate health? There absolutely is. While a good diet on its own will not miraculously cure prostatitis, it can definitely help with:

Foods that help with prostatitis

High-quality protein

High-quality protein from plant sources can help can reduce the risk of prostate cancer.

Omega-3 fatty acids

Fish oils and other healthy fats have been shown to reduce inflammation. In addition, they help with overall health and quality of life.

Cruciferous vegetables

Cruciferous vegetables like broccolis, cauliflowers, cabbages etc. have long been known to reduce the chances of inflammation and abnormal cell proliferation.

Prostate-friendly fruits

Some fruits contain large amounts of fructose, and thus are not suitable if the patient wants to get rid of a prostate inflammation. However, there are fruits like apples, pears, berries, pineapple and grapefruit which contain nutrients that can actually help fight against prostatitis.

Foods to avoid with prostatitis


First of all, the patient has to avoid sugars. Not only will this improve the patient’s overall health, but sugars also act as a booster to microbe resistance and multiplication.


Caffeine triggers spasms of the urogenital diaphragm and the muscular layer of the urinary bladder. In simple terms, this creates irritative symptoms when patients have chronic prostatitis.

Spicy Food

Spicy foods increase existing inflammations in the prostate and thus intensify the symptoms. Symptoms such as pelvic, back or perineal pain and burning during urination are especially enhanced.


Alcohol increases the inflammatory edema and triggers the pain reaction from the strangulated nerves, which are present in chronic prostatitis patients.

Red, Processed or Canned Meat

Red, processed or canned meat may proliferate the cell generation that leads to prostate hypertrophy and hyperplasia.

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